Just loving it…

I don’t know how to explain how I feel right now. Everything seems to be coming together. Nothing “extraordinary” has happened, but I feel so good. I know part of it is coming from me making an effort. I’m really trying. Try for what may you ask? I’m trying to be a better person. I’m studying my scriptures, and really working on figuring out where things went wrong so many months ago. I love my family more, my job, my friends. (BTW-I’m typing as I think, so this whole thing is in fragments) I’ve recently discovered how good I really have it. Forget all my little issues, I’m just grateful to have a home, and a family that loves me. I’m grateful that I’m going to get the chance to go to college, which will open a million doors for me. I’m beginning to fit in at work more, not so much as a “newbie”, which is really helpful. I’m just enjoying the ride. I can’t control every situation, or others decisions. What I can do is change MY outlook. Will somebody make me read this when I’m being a bullheaded idiot? (I would be reading a lot….haha!)

Allee Evensen!